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jn江南·体育登录入口|iPhone 6S可能为刺激销售放弃杀手锏
发布时间:2024-10-14 09:13:03 分类:行业要闻 点击量:479
本文摘要:Little interest in the next iPhones purported Force Touch feature combined with weak demand in China could sink iPhone sales in the fourth quarter, says analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.分析师郭明池称之为,下一代iPhone的压动容触功能(Force Touch)在中国遭了冷遇,国内市场需求较低,这很可能会造成iPhone第四季度销量下降。

Little interest in the next iPhones purported Force Touch feature combined with weak demand in China could sink iPhone sales in the fourth quarter, says analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.分析师郭明池称之为,下一代iPhone的压动容触功能(Force Touch)在中国遭了冷遇,国内市场需求较低,这很可能会造成iPhone第四季度销量下降。Reportedly slated for the iPhone 6S, Force Touch makes the screen pressure-sensitive so it responds to how you press on the surface and is already in use on the the MacBook and Apple Watch. But Force Touch has failed to generate much excitement among MacBook and Apple Watch owners, Kuo said in an investors note picked up on Tuesday by Taiwanese news site Apple Daily. So Force Touch may not be the most significant change to the iPhones interface to date that the analyst claimed it would be in an April report, according to Kuos latest opinion.据信,不具备力动容触功能的iPhone 6S可以感官用户松开表面的有所不同力度,从而调至有所不同的对应功能。

而这项技术早已在MacBook和Apple Watch上获得了应用于。但是本周二的台湾苹果日报中刊出了郭明池的这样一番评价:力动容控并没在MacBook和Apple Watch的用户引发相当大的反响。与今年4月份郭明池爆料iPhone 6S将反对Force Touch的时候态度显著有所不同,他现在毫无疑问力动容控是“苹果iOS迄今为止仅次于的变革”了。

Expected to be released in September, the next iPhone comes in an off-year for Apple. That means the new handset will likely offer a few enhancements and one significant new feature. But this years phone wont be considered a major upgrade as was last years big-screened iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. If Force Touch doesnt prove to be a killer feature for the new iPhone, existing iPhone users may see little reason to upgrade. That could push overall iPhone sales down in the fourth quarter, according to Kuo.预计在九月份公布的下一代iPhone堪称是“生不逢时”。一般来说,新机除了不会做到一些性能提高外,更加最重要的是不会带给一项最重要的新功能。但是今年的iPhone比起去年公布的大屏幕iPhone6和IPhone6 Plus而言,难道足以更有用户升级出售。郭明池指出,如果Force Touch对于新的iPhone来说显然无法视作刺客级特性的话,iPhone手机的当前用户完全没理由出售新机,这也将造成iPhone的销量在第四季度直线暴跌。

Another factor that Kuo believes will hurt fourth-quarter iPhone sales is China. Still the worlds largest smartphone market, China is seeing weaker demand for mobile phones as the market has become more saturated. Apple has been hit by the downturn, losing its spot as the No. 1 smartphone seller in China and now in third place behind local vendors Xiaomi and Huawei, according to research firm Canalys. Even Apple CEO Tim Cook has acknowledged that China could see some speed bumps because of economic woes.郭明池指出不会伤害iPhone第四季度销量的另一因素就是中国。中国当前仍是世界上仅次于的智能手机市场,但其手机市场早已渐趋饱和状态,用户对于手机的市场需求正在弱化。

据调研公司Canalys的数据表明,苹果公司早已开始衰落了,当前已丧失了在中国智能手机销量第一的地位,坐落于本土品牌小米和华为之后,不敌第三。甚至苹果的CEO Tim Cook都早已否认,由于经济下滑,中国市场的发展早已转入了“减速带”。With no real killer feature for the new iPhone and sluggish demand in China, Kuo said that iPhone sales in the fourth quarter could fall to between 65 million and 75 million. If that forecast isnt on the higher side, then sales would actually drop below the record 74.5 million iPhones reported in the same quarter in 2014. That would mark the first time that quarterly iPhone sales dropped on a year-to-year basis.郭明池预测,由于新版iPhone没确实的刺客级特性,而中国市场需求也不充沛,iPhone在第四季度的销售可能会跌到至6500-7500万部左右。

其所估算,iPhone的销量将高于去年同期苹果7450万部的骄人成绩,也将面对其历史上第一次销量下降。Nothing definitive is known about the next iPhone at this point. Apple is expected to stick with the same screen sizes introduced last year -- one iPhone with a 4.8-inch screen and a larger edition with a 5.5-inch display. Kuo has suggested that the new phones will be powered by the Samsung-produced A9 processor, the successor to the current A8 chip. Combine that with 2GB of RAM, and the next iPhones would offer a hefty bump in power and speed over the iPhone 6.累计目前,关于新版iPhone的任何消息皆无法确保清楚。

苹果公司很有可能之后沿袭去年公布的屏幕尺寸版本:一款4.8英寸,同时公布一版5.5英寸屏幕的iPhone。郭明池预测新版iPhone将不会使用三星生产的A9处理器,以替换当前的A8芯片。再行融合2GB的RAM存储器,下一代iPhone将比iPhone6在运营和速度方面都有一个进步。Apple will hold a launch event on September 9 in which its expected to unveil its new iPhone lineup.今年9月9日苹果将举行发布会揭露新版iPhone的面纱了。



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