The de facto head of Samsung Electronics, the world’s largest smartphone maker, is to be interrogated as a suspect in the corruption case roiling South Korea.全球仅次于智能手机制造商三星电子(Samsung Electronics)实际掌门人将以一桩避免出现韩国的贿赂案嫌疑人的身份拒绝接受检方讯问。Lee Jae-yong, vice-chairman and heir apparent of the Samsung group, has been summoned to appear for questioning today over suspicions of bribery, the special prosecutors’ office said yesterday.韩国尤其检察官办公室昨日回应,三星集团副董事长、推断继承人李在镕(Lee Jae-yong)已被开庭,将于今日就因涉嫌贿赂一事拒绝接受讯问。The office did not elaborate and the company declined to comment.该办公室没透漏具体内容,三星也拒绝接受置评。
It is a blow to Samsung, which has been seeking to close the door on a tumultuous 2016.这对三星是一个压制,此前该公司期望道别动荡不安的2016年。Mr Lee is the first South Korean corporate leader to be treated as a suspect in an influence-peddling scandal that has ensnared President Park Geun-hye. Ms Park was impeached by parliament in December following weeks of outrage and mass demonstrations amid allegations she had fallen under the influence of a “shaman adviser”.在让韩国总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)陷入困境的以权谋私丑闻中,李在镕是首位被列入嫌疑人的韩国企业领袖。
朴槿惠被指受到一位“萨满顾问”的影响,在数周的气愤和大规模示威活动之后,去年12月,朴槿惠遭国会罢免。Prosecutors claim Choi Soon-sil used her relationship with the president to press top South Korean companies including Samsung into donating millions of dollars to foundations under her control.检察官指控称之为,崔顺鉴(Choi Soon-sil)利用与总统的关系,向三星等韩国大企业施加压力,拒绝它们向崔顺鉴掌控的基金会捐献数百万美元。Prosecutors are probing whether the country’s biggest conglomerate made the alleged payments to secure backing for a contentious merger between two Samsung affiliates last year.检察官正在调查这家韩国仅次于综合企业否作出了上述捐献,以保证去年三星旗下两家公司倍受批评的拆分取得盘查。That deal was crucial for Mr Lee to secure his grip on Samsung Electronics, and has drawn criticism that it benefited the founding family unfairly at the expense of minority shareholders.那笔交易对于李在镕取得三星电子控制权至关重要,还引起抨击:该交易壮烈牺牲了少数股东的利益,让创立家族不公平获益。
Mr Lee denies the merger was linked to his succession.李在镕坚称这笔拆分交易与他接班人有关。The summons “is likely to put the brakes on Samsung’s plans for this year”, said Park Joo-geun, head of CEO Score, a corporate watchdog, “as an arrest warrant could be possible after the investigation tomorrow”.企业监督机构CEO Score负责人Park Joo-geun回应,开庭李在镕“可能会造成三星今年的计划被不了了之……因为在明日调查完结后,检方可能会收到逮捕令”。It is also likely to hinder the company’s attempts to reform its corporate governance structure, Mr Park added.他回应,这还很可能会妨碍三星改革其公司管理结构的计划。
In December, the heads of South Korea’s biggest conglomerates were hauled before parliament for a rare televised interrogation by lawmakers over the scandal.去年12月,韩国各大综合企业的负责人不得不因这起丑闻参加国会听证会,少见拒绝接受国会议员的电视直播发言。During questioning, Mr Lee admitted making donations to foundations controlled by Ms Choi, but denied seeking or receiving political favours in return.在拒绝接受发言期间,李在镕否认曾向崔顺鉴掌控的基金会捐助,但坚称借以谋求或者获得了政治恩惠。The on-air grilling capped a difficult year for the company, which began with a profit warning and shareholder tension and plumbed new depths with the $6bn recall and eventual termination of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone.电视直播的发言给三星艰苦的一年划出上句号,最初是利润预警和股东关系紧张,后来智能手机Galaxy Note 7的60亿美元解任以及最后下架激化了三星的困境。
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